University Of Nairobi Website E- Learning

University Of Nairobi Website E- Learning

University Of Nairobi Website E- Learning,

The website of the E-Learning entails how to register for the E-Learning courses of the institution.

 Registering  for a course unit

Login using student portal username and password

  1. Select enroll for a course
  2. Select category e.g PhD (Doctorate students), Graduate (Postgraduate Students) or Undergraduate (Bachelors and Diplomas)
  3. Select academic program
  4. Register for course Units under your academic programs by selecting icon next to the course title (a student must register for each course unit)

Accessing course materials

  1. Login
  2. Select  a course
  3. Select document to access handouts
  4. Select Assignment to check or upload assignments
  5. Select forum to have online discussion on a given topic with classmate or group members
  6. Select chat to have a real time discussion on a given topic with other students online